As women on this planet, we recognize that by joining together (both male and female) with shared intention, we will birth peace globally. Imagine each one of us a drop of water. Alone, there is only possibility but when joined together, we create an ocean of transformation. Synchronizing our efforts, prayers for peace hold tremendous power. Together we are an ocean of light.
The potential for global peace is within our reach, but it requires our focused attention and intention to manifest in reality. Drawing inspiration from the principles of quantum physics, we understand that everything begins as waves of potential before solidifying into tangible form.
In just a few moments of our time, we can nurture peace within ourselves, our communities, and our planet. By uniting and harnessing the power of intention, we can participate in synchronized peace prayer circles across the globe, weaving together a sacred tapestry of peace.
Woman’s Global Peace Alliance holds a weekly live online internal and global peace meditation led by Shirin Hunt since 2009, every Thursday at 10AM Hawaii time. Shirin Hunt's dedication and her mission for bringing peace on this planet has kept her very strongly connected to this weekly commitment since its beginning in 2009, she will not miss a single week!
Pepper Sauce For Peace has been a long-standing project of Women’s Global Peace Alliance and is a hot sauce with the tag line: Focus on Peace, It's a Hot Idea! This is a non-profit item that is aimed at spreading the word about Women's Global Peace Alliance to a wide audience through a blessed food item.