Invest in a sustainable world by donating to support our initiatives and help create a better future for all.
Inter-Nation Cultural Foundation
P.O. Box 1271, Kilauea, HI 96754
INCF is a nonprofit 501 C3 public charity organization active in projects globally. All contributions to INCF are tax-deductible. Our tax ID is 33-0803517.
INCF is a global, donor-directed 501 (c) 3 charity established in 1998. All donations are tax-deductible.
What is unique about INCF’s global donor-directed status?
Sanctioned specifically by the IRS as a true donor-directed non-profit corporation, one of seven in the country at that time, INCF has several unique abilities:
Donors may specify and follow up on the use of their donations. This gives donors a deeper sense of participation in the projects which they fiscally support. INCF has a federal tax-exempt status allowing us to collect donations from all fifty states and from other countries.
INCF is active in projects globally, and we are able to use U.S. tax exempt currency to support these projects. This ability is unique, as it is very difficult to qualify for this type of program since the events of 9/11.
INCF is a public charity and the records of all donations are available to the public.
INCF also accepts "in-kind" donations.